
My name is Michael. I design electronic systems and write code. I’ve worked for international companies on the forefront of proteomics as well as for 3-person startups making $1 infrared sensors.

My background is in electrical engineering. My favourite course from university was Existential Philosophy. I once spent a month during High School entirely in my Music Department’s practice rooms doing a full clear of Persona 4.

I have more interests than I have time or energy. Some include:

  • Creating and Enjoying Travel and Art Photography
  • Listening to Indie CJK Music
  • Consuming Valorant eSports
  • Reading Speculative Fiction…
  • … and Wikipedia like a book
  • Brewing and Drinking Locally Roasted Coffee
  • Cheering on Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga
  • Raiding in FFXIV
  • Babying my three cats
  • and the list goes on

Made with love in Toronto, Ontario